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President´s Message

Dear Colleagues,

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 15th World Congress of Pediatric Dermatology, which will be held at the "Centro de Convenciones Buenos Aires", Argentina, from April 8th to April 11th, 2025. This event is a unique opportunity for pediatric dermatologists, pediatricians, and other medical professionals to come together to share knowledge, learn from each other, and advance our understanding of Pediatric Dermatology.

The Congress will feature an exciting scientific program with renowned keynote speakers, plenary sessions, and symposia that will address the latest advances in Pediatric Dermatology. The program will also feature interactive workshops, case presentations, and panel discussions on hot topics in the field.

In addition to the scientific program, there will be ample opportunities for networking and socializing with colleagues from around the world. We have planned several social events, including a welcome reception, gala dinner, and cultural excursions to explore the vibrant city of Buenos Aires.

The "Centro de Convenciones Buenos Aires", a state-of-the-art convention center, provides a modern and comfortable venue for our Congress. It is conveniently located in the heart of Buenos Aires, with easy access to hotels, restaurants, and cultural attractions.

We encourage you to mark your calendars for this important event and join us in Buenos Aires in April 2025. We are confident that this Congress will be an unforgettable experience, and we look forward to welcoming you to Argentina.


Firma de Margarita Larralde
Foto de Margarita Larralde

Dr Margarita Larralde

President of the 15th WCPD

Organizing Committee

National Executive Board

Margarita Larralde
Paula Boggio
Secretary General
Paula Luna
Scientific Secretary
María Eugenia Abad

International Executive Board

Amy Paller
United States
Arti Nanda
Antonio Torrelo

Honorary Presidents

Hugo Cabrera
Neil Prose
María Rosa Cordisco

Local Organizing Committee

Last Name First Name
Assistant Secretary
Aldana Almassio
Scientific Local Committee
Angles Valeria
Boente Maria del Carmen
Castro Carla
Cervini Bettina
Della Giovanna Patricia
Giachetti Ana
Maccario María Fernanda
Manzur Graciela B.
Moreno Silvia
Rositto Alicia
Sister Societies committee
Ferrari Bruno
Mantero Natalia
Communication and Networks committee
Plafnik Romina
Santos Muñoz Andrea
Young Dermatologists committee
Cabrera Romina
Diaz María Sol
Mayada Fabbri María Victoria
Mónaco Marina
Pombar Romina
Local Organizing committee
Cano Ramiro
Flores Rosana
Goitia Juana
Laffarge Jorge
Pagotto Betina
Panizzardi Anabel
Art and Culture committee
Busso Santiago
Giovo Mariel

Host Society

In June 2006, in the city of Buenos Aires, a group of enthusiastic pediatric dermatologists, headed by doctors María Rosa Cordisco, Margarita Larralde and Silvia Pueyo, with recognized experience in the specialty, met to found the Society of Pediatric Dermatology for Latin America (SDPL).

The main objective of this entity is to promote the development, improvement and dissemination of pediatric dermatology and stimulate specialization in this branch of medicine, throughout the Argentine territory; as well as its projection to the remaining Latin American countries.

In 2021, during the 14th WCPD in Edinburgh, SDPL was chosen by the International Society of Pediatric Dermatology (ISPD) board to host its next World Congress of Pediatric Dermatology.

History of ISPD-WCPD

The International Society of Pediatric Dermatology (ISPD) is a worldwide, non-profit, scientific organization formed by professionals interested in promoting Pediatric Dermatology. It is aimed to carry out collaborative efforts to improve Pediatric Dermatology for the general health of infants and adolescents. The ISPD promotes the development of Pediatric Dermatology through clinical practice, research, teaching, conferences, courses, meetings, publications and consultation.

The ISPD is also aimed to promote human and scientific relations with other scientific groups and societies having goals similar to those of the ISPD, as well as the formation of national societies of Pediatric Dermatology.

The ISPD was originally born by inspiration of the following persons: Martin Beare (Northern Ireland), Armando Franco (Mexico), Ferdinando Gianotti (Italy), Joan E. Hodgman (USA), Coleman Jacobson (USA), Guinter Khan (USA), Andrew M. Margileth (USA), Edmund J. Moynahan (England), Dagoberto O. Pierini (Argentina), Ramón Ruiz-Maldonado (Mexico), Lawrence M. Solomon (USA), Eva Torök (Hungary), and Kazuya Yamamoto (Japan). The above met in Mexico City on October 18, 1973, on the occasion of the First International Symposium on Pediatric Dermatology. Since then, thirteen World Congresses of Pediatric Dermatology (WCPD) have been celebrated every four years, and the most recent took place in September 2021 in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Previous World Congresses of Pediatric Dermatology:

S. No Location, Year President Secretary
1 Mexico City, 1973 R. Ruiz-Maldonado H. Feulard
2 Chicago, 1976 L. Solomon G. Riehl, Sr.
3 Monte Carlo, 1979 M. Larrègue J.J. Pringle
4 Munich, 1983 R. Happle G. Thiebierge
5 Milano, 1989 R. Caputo C. Gelmetti
6 Toronto, 1992 S. Hurwitz J. Fordyce
7 Buenos Aires, 1994 A.M. Pierini A. Lavieri
8 Paris, 1998 Y. de Prost S. Lomholt
9 Cancun, 2001 R. Ruiz-Maldonado C. Duran
10 Rome, 2004 G. Fabrizi C. Gelmetti
11 Bangkok, 2009 C. Pruksachatkun G.B. Mitchell-Heggs
12 Madrid, 2013 A. Torrelo A. Hernández-Martin
13 Chicago, 2017 A. Mancini A. Yan
A. Zaenglein
14 Edinburgh, 2021 V. Kinsler -



Last Name First Name Country
Acosta Agustina Uruguay
Alfaro Patricia Bolivia
Álvarez Mariela Uruguay
Araníbar Ligia Chile
Arellano Mendoza Ivonne Mexico
Azulay-Abulafia Luna Brazil
Ballona Rosalía Peru
Barnes Franz Panamá
Baselga Eulalia Spain
Beirana Angélica Mexico
Betz Regina Germany
Blanco Daisy Dominican Republic
Bodemer Christine France
Cáceres R. Héctor W. Peru
Cestari Tania Brazil
Colmenero Isabel Spain
de Lucas Raúl Spain
Dhar Sandipan India
Dlova Ncoza South Africa
Downey Camila Chile
Duran-McKinster Carola Mexico
Eichenfield Lawrence F. USA
El-Hachem Maya Italy
Ferrando Barbera Juan Spain
Firooz Alireza Iran
Foelster-Holst Regina Germany
Fuller Claire United Kingdom
Galadari Hassan Dubai
García Romero María Teresa Mexico
Gelmetti Carlo Italy
Gomar Begoña Panama
Gonzalez Francisco Venezuela
Guebenlian Claudia Uruguay
Gutierrez Olga Paraguay
Halbert Anne Australia
Handog Evangeline Philippines
Has Cristina Germany
Hasbún Trinidad Chile
Helene Selma Brazil
Herz Amanda Brazil
Hohl Daniel Switzerland
Last Name First Name Country
Isa Mariel Dominican Republic
Kabashima Kenji Japan
Krämer H. Daniela Chile
Larre Borges Alejandra Uruguay
Lizardo Gustavo Honduras
Lupi Omar Brazil
Martinaskova Klara Eslovakia
McCuaig Catherine Canada
Murrell Dedee Australia
Najjar Zilda Brazil
Palisson Francis Chile
Paller Amy USA
Pérez Alfonzo Ricardo Venezuela
Pieretti María Lia Ecuador
Pope Elena Canada
Prose Neil USA
Reginatto Flávia Brazil
Rivitti-Machado M. Cecília Brazil
Romiti Ricardo Brazil
Sáenz Ana María Venezuela
Saez de Ocariz Marimar Mexico
Salas-Alanís Julio Mexico
Sangueza Martín Bolivia
Sarkar Rashmi India
Silverberg Nanette USA
Soutto Mayor Silvia Brazil
Sprecher Eli Israel
Szalai Zsuzsama Hungary
Taniguchi Abagge Kerstin Brazil
Tavera Mariela Colombia
Todd Gail South Africa
Torres Pradilla Mauricio Colombia
Torres Zegarra Carla USA
Valenzuela Fernando Chile
Velasquez-Valderrama Felipe Peru
Vicente Asunción Spain
Victoria Jairo Colombia
Vidaurri de la Cruz Helena Mexico
Welsh Hernandez Esperanza Mexico
Zaenglein Andrea USA

Supporting Organizations


Sociedad Argentina de Dermatología


Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría


Colegio Ibero Latinoamericano de Dermatología


Reunión Anual de Dermatólogos Latinoamericanos


Institutional Auspice

Ente de Turismo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires


Asociación Argentina de Dermatología

Asociación Colombiana de Dermatología y Cirugía Dermatológica

Asociación Dermatológica de El Salvador

Círculo Dermatológico Del Perú Sociedad Médica

Centro de Investigación en Genodermatosis y Epidermolisis Ampollar

Reunión Anual de Dermatólogos Latinoamericanos

Sociedad Chilena de Dermatología y Venereología

Sociedad Hondureña de Dermatología y Cirugía Dermatológica Junta Directiva Nor- Occidente

Sociedad Argentina de Psoriasis

Sociedad de Dermatología del Uruguay

Sociedad Mexicana de Cirugía Dermatológica y Oncología, A.C.

Sociedad Paraguaya de Dermatología

Sociedad Latinoamericada de Psoriasis


Centro de Convenciones de la Ciudad De Buenos Aires


Av. Figueroa Alcorta 2099,

Bus Lines

17, 24, 33, 67, 93, 102, 130


Facultad de Derecho, Línea H.

General Information

Official language

All sessions will be in English. However, simultaneous translation into Spanish will be provided at Plenary Sessions. Headphones and receivers for speakers and delegates will be handed over and collected at the entrance of the meeting room.

About ISPD

Executive Officers

Dr Amy Paller President United States
Dr Margarita Larralde Vice President Argentina
Dr Arti Nanda Secretary General Kuwait
Dr Mark Koh Treasurer Singapore

Board of Directors

Dr Christine Bodemer Board Member France
Dr Sandipan Dhar Board Member India
Dr Carola Duran-Mckinster Board Member Mexico
Dr Anne Halbert Board Member Australia
Dr Chikodili Olomukoro Board Member Nigeria
Dr Elena Pope Board Member Canada
Dr Gail Tood Board Member South Africa
Dr Dirk Van Gysel Board Member Belgium